
Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering 

| An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Mumbai NAAC "A" Grade Accredited |


Physics Lab

This is the laboratory where the experiments related to the Engineering Physics –I and Engineering Physics – II are performed. The laboratory is well equipped with latest instruments and training kits.

Some of the Instruments available in the lab are: Ultrasonic Interferometer, Solar Cell, Hall Effect Apparatus,  Ultrasonic Distance Meter, Crystal Blocks (SCC, BCC, FCC etc.), P-N Junction Band gap measurement setup, He-Ne Lasers (632.8nm, 543.5nm & 612nm), Semiconductor diode lasers ( 650nm), Travelling microscopes, Plank’s Constant Apparatus, Optical spectrometers, Optical sources(Na, Hg, Ne), Diffraction gratings (1D & 2D), Newton’s Rings Apparatus, Air Wedge interference apparatus, Fibre Optic trainer  kit, Thermocouple experimental set up, Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes, Signal Generators, Digital Multi Meters, Regulated Power Supplies, etc.

Chemistry Lab

This laboratory was established at the inception of the college. The laboratory is well equipped and dedicated to performing practicals of Applied Chemistry to all the branches of Engineering.

The laboratory caters to the necessary requirements of glassware and chemicals. Apart from this Instrumental facility available in the laboratory are as follows:

Instruments / Equipment Available: Potentiometer, Conductometer, pH- Meter, Melting Point Apparatus, Digital Colorimeter, Electronic weighing Balance, Water Distillation Plant, Oven, Furnace, Abel’s Flash Point Apparatus, Redwood Viscometer, Vicat’s Apparatus, Flue gas analyzer

Language Lab

Good communication skills are indispensable for the success of any professional. The English language has become essential in the lives of young people who aspire to advance their careers anywhere in the world. English language learning has, therefore, become a must for any Indian student today. Reading, writing, listening and speaking: These four skills have to be practiced thoroughly. Being able to communicate well is the most important factor when seeking a placement in a company or institution.

Our language laboratory plays an important role in the language learning process. As it is a technological aid for learning, it has a number of advanced facilities that can help a student to learn a language with proficiency to communicate. The language laboratory is designed to assist learners in the acquisition and maintenance of aural comprehension, oral and written proficiency and cultural awareness

Class Rooms

The department has 5 class rooms dedicated for the First Year students. The class rooms are spacious with Wi-Fi connectivity and equipped with multimedia projectors. The seating arrangements are ergonomically designed to have maximum comfort to the students for day long academic activities


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